Dragons Tail, Arizona

Dragons Tail is a porphyry copper project within the world-class Superior Mining District, Arizona. Surface alteration indicates the presence of a porphyry system beneath post-mineral volcanic cover. Tertiary, post-mineral, normal faulting has tilted Laramide porphyry systems and mineralization in the district ~40° to the east-northeast. 

Oxidized quartz-sulfide mineralization is observed over 1.6km in the Apache Group quartzite (zone extends across the entire property, along strike), and vectors towards the east beneath post-mineral cover. 

EMX recognizes and is targeting this untested porphyry copper system in a world-class district concealed beneath post-mineral cover.

*Nearby mines and deposits provide context for the project, but do not necessarily indicate similar size, styles or grade of mineralization within the project.


Geology and targets of the Dragon’s Tail project area Click to Enlarge
Cross section of geology and target area of Dragon Click to Enlarge


Photo of oxidized sulfide veins in Proterozoic Apache Group sediments. Similar alteration extends for 1.6 km along strike across the property. Click to Enlarge